Video: WisCaregiver Teacher Stories
Learn more about opportunities for educators here.
Launch students’ health care careers for free.
Health education is important in high school.
But a lot of students, they’re thinking about the end plan. They don’t think about the necessary steps to get to that end plan.
It’s not just you’re going to be an RN right away. It’s not just that you’re going to be a doctor right away. You need different skills moving up to that certification or that degree to get you there.
The certified direct care program is great for any high school student interested in pursuing a career in health care or just wanting to explore opportunities early on.
The CDCP program is useful in the fact that not all of the students are college bound. Some of them are career bound. And so, having that certification gives them that extra accreditation if you will, so that they have a higher advantage of getting to a workforce right away.
The program has made it really easy for teachers to be able to take it and implement it into either their courses and their course curriculum as it aligns really nicely with the Wisconsin Academic Standards for Health Science education.
We were looking for something that’s kind of an intro to health care.
We’ve had kind of an independent study over the summer, and from the feedback I’m receiving, the students love it because it’s very easy to get through. They understand the website and it’s something they’re interested in,
It incorporates videos, it incorporates different assignments. It kind of moves along so that it doesn’t get boring and it’s not one long video that students aren’t going to pay attention to.
I think that this is a very unique opportunity at this point in time for K-12 educators, or high school educators.
It’s hard to get incentives and knowing how much work is on our educators’ plates today. Anything that can help them, encourage them to provide another opportunity to students is something that they’re always looking for.
Because who doesn’t want something free? Right. Who doesn’t want a bonus.
Students who earn CDCP certification will receive up to a $500 bonus.
Schools can earn $250 for each CDCP student who completes the program.
It’d be wonderful to earn the referral bonus for each of our students through the CDCP program.
The $250 referral bonus is a great opportunity for high school educators.
Just 10 students. You can have $2,500 and that can be put right back into your health care program.
We can offer this program free of charge, and we actually get money coming back to us, it’s even a bigger incentive.
If we have that bonus in my school, that would be great because we can use it to beef up the programs that we have in place.
And the employers really like programs like this because they can count on us to say; “Okay, well, how many students do you have doing this next year?”
And so this program actually is helpful for me to say, oh, they’ve done this and here’s the certification. They would be a great asset to your business.
I think that we all know as individuals that caregiving is gonna impact all of our lives. So we know that this course or this program is gonna help the community as a greater whole because whether you’re gonna be caregiving for a family member, or a loved one, or there’s just even a neighbor that needs help or support, we’re gonna have so many people that are gonna be trained and know how to help support our communities to be a, a better caring place.
Register students to become Certified Direct Care Professionals. Free training. $500 bonus.
Launch students’ health care careers for free.
Health education is important in high school.
But a lot of students, they’re thinking about the end plan. They don’t think about the necessary steps to get to that end plan.
It’s not just you’re going to be an RN right away. It’s not just that you’re going to be a doctor right away. You need different skills moving up to that certification or that degree to get you there.
The certified direct care program is great for any high school student interested in pursuing a career in health care or just wanting to explore opportunities early on.
The CDCP program is useful in the fact that not all of the students are college bound. Some of them are career bound. And so, having that certification gives them that extra accreditation if you will, so that they have a higher advantage of getting to a workforce right away.
The program has made it really easy for teachers to be able to take it and implement it into either their courses and their course curriculum as it aligns really nicely with the Wisconsin Academic Standards for Health Science education.
We were looking for something that’s kind of an intro to health care.
We’ve had kind of an independent study over the summer, and from the feedback I’m receiving, the students love it because it’s very easy to get through. They understand the website and it’s something they’re interested in,
It incorporates videos, it incorporates different assignments. It kind of moves along so that it doesn’t get boring and it’s not one long video that students aren’t going to pay attention to.
I think that this is a very unique opportunity at this point in time for K-12 educators, or high school educators.
It’s hard to get incentives and knowing how much work is on our educators’ plates today. Anything that can help them, encourage them to provide another opportunity to students is something that they’re always looking for.
Because who doesn’t want something free? Right. Who doesn’t want a bonus.
Students who earn CDCP certification will receive up to a $500 bonus.
Schools can earn $250 for each CDCP student who completes the program.
It’d be wonderful to earn the referral bonus for each of our students through the CDCP program.
The $250 referral bonus is a great opportunity for high school educators.
Just 10 students. You can have $2,500 and that can be put right back into your health care program.
We can offer this program free of charge, and we actually get money coming back to us, it’s even a bigger incentive.
If we have that bonus in my school, that would be great because we can use it to beef up the programs that we have in place.
And the employers really like programs like this because they can count on us to say; “Okay, well, how many students do you have doing this next year?”
And so this program actually is helpful for me to say, oh, they’ve done this and here’s the certification. They would be a great asset to your business.
I think that we all know as individuals that caregiving is gonna impact all of our lives. So we know that this course or this program is gonna help the community as a greater whole because whether you’re gonna be caregiving for a family member, or a loved one, or there’s just even a neighbor that needs help or support, we’re gonna have so many people that are gonna be trained and know how to help support our communities to be a, a better caring place.
Register students to become Certified Direct Care Professionals. Free training. $500 bonus.